Monday, March 21, 2011

The airport at the crack of sparrows

I have realised that since joining the world of professional photographers I spend a lot of time editing my images to make them as perfect as I can.  I spend ages correcting the colour balance,  adding brightness, making my images straighter (something that I am focusing on getting right in the first place).  So when I started processing these little images of an early morning trip to Sydney I took out all the green in the airport to have those floros looking lovely and white and clean.  When I looked back to my original images I realise how much more realistic it was to leave them as they were shot.  I believe the time as come for me to start going back to my roots and keeping the pictures I take as true to there original form as I can.  I was talking to a guy I work for about the wonderful world of film and he was saying how you could really tell the difference between different locations with film because the white balance was true the place you were shooting in.  I guess these days with digital one can compensate for that so the image becomes cleaner but sometimes I think things just have to be a little bit dirty x

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